
Saudi subjected to a traffic accident and enters the intensive care unit after receiving the news of the death of his daughter at the hands of the maid - Photos

سعودي يتعرض لحادث مروري ويدخل العناية المركزة بعد تلقيه نبأ مقتل ابنته على يد الخادمة - صور

Asian maid proceeded Wednesday afternoon to commit a heinous crime, killing a child at the age of 4 years in Yanbu, then separate her head from her body, using a sharp object "machete."

And back the beginnings of the crime when the mother returned "grieving", which operates a parameter to the house, and tried to open the door of the house, but they found it locked from the inside and asked the maid to open the door, but they refused, threatened to kill the little girl!

As quoted by the newspaper "city", the mother immediately inform her husband - who was at work - and in turn informed the Civil Defense in order to break down the door, and rescue his daughter from the maid.

And while he went to the house to rescue his daughter suffered a traffic accident caused the death of one person and wounding another, and entering the intensive care unit. The last thing he said, "Save my daughter, rescued my daughter."

Civil Defense succeeded unzip the door, and the mother entered the house, accompanied by civil defense men to the mother's bedroom, which was the maid holding the child inside, but the surprise was in the end servers to its mission, and the slaughter of the child on her mother's bed.
Scene "alarming" Remove the mother and consciousness to fall unconscious, but is transferred to the Medical Center in Yanbu Industrial.

Car and the girl's father after the traffic incident which caused the introduction of intensive care

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