
Child has a finger 31

In the case of very rare, revealed the Chinese media for Chinese children in the age of six 31 has a finger in his hands and feet, and that he will undergo surgery at a hospital in the city of Shenyang.

According to the site where said Chinese doctors at the hospital they decided to perform cosmetic surgery for Chinese children with a number of fingers 15 finger, while the number of finger 16 toes.

There are in the hands of every child of 7 fingers but a finger of his right hand Upham forked at its end to two fingers, and 3 of the fingers of each hand welded, but X-rays show that the bones of the fingers separate from each other clearly.

The toes of the child they are evenly distributed rate of 8 separate fingers per foot, so the total fingers and toes was 31 finger which is a new world record, breaking the current record of twins, two Indians stuck to each one have 12 finger of the hand and 13 toes or 25 finger .

The doctors explained that this child is very rare case, noting that the phenomenon of the fingers is usually due to excess genetic disorder that affects the fetus during the early stages of synthesis in the womb of the mother.

The doctors will remove the extra fingers of the hands and feet so that only 5 left in each hand and 5 on each foot along the lines of natural persons.

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