
American woman facing prison and a fine for causing a heart attack dogs to chickens!

أمريكية تواجه السجن والغرامة لتسبب كلبيها بأزمة قلبية لدجاجة!

American woman facing a prison term of one year and pay a fine worth a thousand dollars, after accusing her dogs causing a heart attack its neighbors for chickens has led to the deaths.

According to the U.S. media that Joey McDonald of Denver is facing charges of abuse of animals that carry the prison for one year and a fine worth a thousand dollars, after barking dogs instead of babies from the type of Chihuahua, and horrified chickens neighbors which led her to a heart attack and mortality.

Gampelan said George, the owner of the chicken, that his wife loves Thai bred because they remembered her childhood, though the chicken was a pet, pointing out that it is not the first time that the raid the dogs to chickens.

McDonald has offered to pay $ 30 for her neighbor to make up for the chicken, but he refused

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