
American girl wake up from her trance personality different

طفلة أمريكية تفيق من غيبوبتها بشخصية مختلفة

She came to "Zoe Ryan Bernstein" -6 years - from the town of Carlsbad in California from the coma lasted a full month after exposure to a serious car accident.
The Zoe with her father and her sister and her father when he lost control of the car on a rainy day to hit the pole for lighting.

The accident caused injury to Zoe fractured skull and swelling of the brain and its entry in the zombie survival necessitated under surveillance and intensive care for a whole month.

Here and everything is normal, but during the recovery period to notice the family differ in personality and behavior of Zoe, where she says her mother that her daughter were not able to talk at first and can not do things her daily life such as eating and using the toilet and even use a toothbrush.

And as such, it has become the mother to intervene to help small to meet their needs.
It seems that Zoe will need intensive help when taking its first steps in the study this summer.

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