
Scientists interpret the weak capacity of some to resist the temptations

علماء يفسرون ضعف قدرة البعض على مقاومة الاغراءات
Russia Today
A team of psychologists at the Institute of the U.S. Dartmouth study allows interpretation of the fact that some people do not have the physiological ability to resist the temptation, as the transfer site "Emax Health".

The researchers found that the level of activity in a particular part of the human brain known as the "center of desire" that allows the prediction of high accuracy and sexual preferences with food to someone.

As part of the experience offered to 48 women pictures of the foods and the exciting scenes, and underwent X-ray of the brain during the experiment. After half a year to test the request of the women in the study and detractors who did not note the objectives of the experiment, were asked to dictate the form developed specifically for this study.
And requested clarification of some scientists that the brain of women was responding more actively to food images, while others record the strongest reaction to photos showing the dramatic scenes. And later found that eating meals and the taste of the food was arousing greater interest in women than in the first set, while the second group of women from Yulin greater attention to the subject of sex than to the issue of nutrition compared with white women.
He explained Professor Bill Kelly, supervisor of the study was that the more the brain respond to the temptation more active person is less likely to resist the desire to obey.
The scientists say it is unclear whether people have the qualities like this since birth, or they gained over a lifetime. Experts tend to the idea that these reactions combine genetic and educational workers.


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