
Father invented a device to talk to his daughter, deceased

The death of children from the destructive things to the parents, but may affect up to a certain extent to do crazy things like American Gary Galca who invented a device to talk with his daughter deceased.

The electrical engineer Gary Galicka had lost his daughter (17 years) in a car accident in 2004, according to Gary, the daughter began trying to communicate with her family after the incident two days through the strange events for families such as the voice of the door bell, change TV channels, lighting lamps and put them out Gary realizes that his daughter is trying to tell them something.To try to find out what you want the daughter, he invented Gary body to help them communicate with them, then becomes the owner of a thriving in the area of ​​monitoring devices activities hacks so that during the years from the sale of thousands of devices of the kind at prices ranging between 79 to 350 dollars (equivalent to 296 - 1312.5 SAR).Gary has been able to create 30 different device special search for the paranormal, and more recently the family of Gary to produce a television program on behalf of "Ghost Adventures", where the family claims that she had contacted Babintht deceased and that they witnessed.And Val Gary The devices invented by proving the existence of his daughter with them, where the sound is output from the device says "Hello, my father, I love you," adds Gary they feel in the bedroom asleep on his chest, and though he did not see it, the sister of small've seen 3 times, and in accordance for "Oddity Central".The Gary donation third of the profits of trade groups that help parents to overcome the psychological effects of the loss of their children, pointing out that he feels duty hand help bereaved parents even know that they can live and overcome the disaster that occurred to them losing a son.

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