
Swaziland king asked his subjects to provide a cow for slaughter on the day of his birthday festival

ملك سوازيلاند يطلب من رعاياه تقديم البقر له لذبحها في يوم عيد ميلاده
Is King of Swaziland Mswati III, one of the 15 wealthier property in the world, his subjects giving him a cow for slaughter on the day of his birthday festival, according to Minister of Interior Prince Jkokuma.

The Prince, told AFP that the traditional tribal leaders in an area where Hicelwyne will be assigned to the celebrations this month, asking residents to give livestock.
He said, "are fully aware of the role please them; for they will receive the King on this special day."
The Prince Jkokuma that the meager financial resources of the government does not allow the financing of the entire celebration, a reminder that the celebrations have been canceled last year; as the state was barely able to pay the salaries of government employees.
However, the government has allocated this year, five million of its budget rand (652 dollars) to commemorate the King Holiday.
King of Swaziland has stated in the order prepared by the magazine "Forbes" to the 15 wealthier property in the world with a personal fortune exceeding one hundred million dollars.
And the King of Swaziland Mswati III, who turns forty-fourth on April 19 / April is married to 13 women each with a private palace, which is to govern a country gripped by poverty; where 60% of the population lives on less than two dollars a day.
He called the opposition party (banned) "PUDEMO" to cancel the celebrations, and allocation of funds to be spent to provide grants for students of the poor.
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