
Saudi Arabia third most beautiful woman in the world

British study of Saudi women are classified in third place in terms of beauty the world after the Hungarian and Polish women.

The study in the Declaration of the result on the tenderness enjoyed by the Saudi girl, while keeping you from the alarming modesty that seems evident in her actions, as well as its unique ability to interact with fashion without losing a bit of modesty, the same study did not overlook the reference to the beauty of a woman Saudi Arabia, considering it as a secret attraction to men, while the study pointed to it as well as all the tenderness is the most important character in the printed card, which supplies and creative innovation, according to the newspaper "Okaz".The study prepared by the Center STARCH & British Global Research, noted that Saudi girls grief for first place in the auctioneer what makes them even more women in the world illustration, the study presented in this particular scientific measurements of them, that all requests are met, as it is there are always those who are serving Add to that they have allocated their expenses, which provides it by the parents of its affairs without the need for action, as it is surrounded by attention by members of her family and remains that interest inherent in even when you move to the house of her husband.Researcher described the Saudi girls that they (queens of the world) is installed by saying, "The Queen does not drive the car but there is someone take care of that."The study said that the Saudi girl take care of careful attention to their beauty and grace and good appearance, and indicates Cristvuor Julaal prepared in the research, that veiled Saudi women can not affect the sun on her skin as it imparts freshness.It should be noted that this research study came under the name of "more girls and beautiful demonstration of the world."

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  1. I am proud that I am a Saudi women as well as I am proud that a I am Muslim.
    wish u all the best.

  2. it`s the SYRIAN women not the saudi arabian! You fake everything! Shame on you! Ever seen these women?? The are the ugliest!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No, that's wrong, we are beautiful too, anyway saudi women or syrian women are Identical, They were one country and they married together before 200 years a lot, syria had a beautiful women and not beautiful women, and saudi like this, this words for all countrys, Let against racism ^^, i'm sorry for my bad english, but i've just 13 years old , and i'm sorry for the intrusion

    3. syrian do wear hijab and can drive cars in thier cars and their asses of so this article isnt for syrian.we give the women provide the woman with money and all she dreams of we take care of them unlike your country.we never let them ever do the hard work we do everything we work our asses of for their safty and comfort we make them queens in our eyes unlike the western girls they all grow up to be whores and they are okay with that because they dont have any honor. our wemon are pure and respected wemon.

  3. just shut up .You are just spiteful and jealous from saudi girls. the study talk about arabian beauty not syrian(thir beauty comes from russia)and all arab know that.arabian beauty comes from yemen and arabian peninsula there is Black eyes with long eyelish- long black hair.go with your president to hell and dying.
    attention/ dont say any bla bla bla again. ok??(son of bitch)

  4. I see some saudi girls in London streets and they are gorgeous!! I've seen arab girls like lebanese and syrian yeah they're hot but not as beautiful as saudi girls, i mean their features are so sharp and so rare, i wish i can date a saudi girl but i know they will refuse. Which makes them loyal to their religion. God bless.

  5. Wtf saudi girls are the most ugly girls in the world not only from outside but inside too,that's why their men run after every vigina in the world .I think they should stay covered no one wanna see their ugly faces.

  6. I bet they payed money for these nasty british people..after they wrote it they said what a stupid ugly sandniggers hahahahahah

    1. Why they will pay money for this article? Don't do assumptions which is not healthy habit.

    2. I am Yemeni guy live in Dubai, i have a doubt about the studies, i know many many arabs as well as european because i work with i have noticed that the east russian girls are very very beautiful. it does matter are sexy or not here i am talk about the beauty, eyes,nose,ears,hair, face, body boobs legs, come on everything.

  7. I think research was funded by oil rich Arabs. Saudi women are not pretty. They are ugly. Majority of females in Saudi Arabia are unattractive. They have ugly eyes, lips, and noses. Hands are okay. More info on our face book page Beauty on Earth.

    1. i feel sorry for you your just sad because your wemon dont have loyalty and they are all whores i bet your mother is too and you dont know your real father lols. our wemon are pure and we make them queens in our eyes we work our asses of just to provide for them we give them everything the are so loyal the just marry one man and one man onlyy. unlike your countries the are all whores even when they are married you just give them on dollar and fuck them. thank god i live in a country where i can marry a respected and pure wemon.. i reallly really feel sorry for you dont be jelaous..

  8. Why this article have no reference to which university did the study, the study was made by Michigan university and it showed that Syrian women ate the brightest because of their healthy food and their good attitude in their job and family and they are the third most beautiful women in the world after Hungarian and polish women because for their kindness and shyness and endless love for their families

  9. بحث في جميع المواقع العلمية ولم أجد مايوكد هذه الدراسة اوانها تمت بالفعل. وتم ادراج هذا الخبر في مواقع سعودية ففط لاغير.

  10. للأسف الشديد يوجد العديد من الأخبار التي لا توجد سوى في موقع سعوديه فقط لاغير. ولا ادري ما الهدف وراء تلك الأخبار. وهي تكون دائما بخصوص حصول السعودية على كذا وكذا او أن السعودية حققت كذا وكذا وفي الحقيقة أنه لا يوجد ما يؤكد هذه الأخبار عالميا

  11. I searched all scientific websites and did not find anything that confirmed that this study had already been completed. This news was included only on Saudi websites. Unfortunately, there is a lot of news that is only available on the Saudi website. I don't know what the purpose behind this news is. It is always about Saudi Arabia obtaining such-and-such, or that Saudi Arabia achieved such-and-such, and in fact, there is nothing to confirm this news globally.
