
A lawsuit against the "Google" to propose the word "Jew randomly in the search engine

رفعت منظمات فرنسية دعوى قضائية على شركة "غوغل" مطالبة بأن يتوقف محرك البحث الخاص بها بربط كلمة "يهودي" عشوائيا بأسماء شخصيات يبحث مستخدمو الانترنت عن معلومات حولها
French organizations filed a lawsuit against the company "Google" is required to stop its search engine to link the word "Jew" figures at random the names of Internet users looking for information about them.

A lawyer for the "SOS Rasesm" Patrick Klugman, told AFP it was determined a hearing Wednesday at eight o'clock AM GMT, saying that the function of "Google Sagst" (suggestions Google) led to "create the largest file probably about the Jews in history ".When a user starts a web search for a specific word on the "Google", submitted to him a job "Google Sagjst" several proposals, including the research already undertaken by other users.In the lawsuit, argued the Union of Jewish students in France and the "jacuzzi" International campaigns for justice and "SOS Rasesm" and the movement against racism and calling for the love between the peoples on the function of "Google Sagst" often suggests a random word "Jew" when user looking for the name of a certain prominent character in the world of politics, media and business.These are organizations that this is "a way that promotes an immediate feeling that the Jews wherever they are in positions of leadership in France."She explains that "Google Sagst" break the law, which prohibits ethnic create files when it proposes the word "Jew".The "Google" on its website that it excludes from "Google Sagst" "a small category includes pornographic or violent words or words that incite violence or linked to violation of copyright."

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