
Increase in thefts of meat shops in Britain after the rise in prices

تزايد سرقات اللحوم من المحال التجارية في بريطانيا بعد ارتفاع أسعارها
Quds Al-ArabiWitnessed the theft of meat shops in Britain by gangs of organized crime increased sharply after the rise in recent months prices.

The newspaper 'Daily Express' The gangs of thieves targeting the big stores and small shops to steal cans of beef, chicken, lamb and offered for sale in private later.
Meat prices have risen in Britain by 6.1 'in recent months, a rate far in excess of inflation rate of 3.5'', while the prices of steaks increased by 50', due to the bad winter last year, which witnessed New Zealand, where it is import a large proportion of meat sheep.
The newspaper added that the thefts have also contributed to raising the price of meat by 10 'according to the research center retail trade, while experts believe that these crimes carried out by organized crime gangs.
She pointed out that the crimes of retail trade in the United Kingdom caused estimated losses of stores by 1.4 billion pounds last year, an increase of 30 'for 2010, and made her spend extra money on security.
The newspaper quoted Joshua Bamfield of the Centre for Retail Research said 'The quantities and quality of meat stolen suggest that organized crime gangs are stealing, because of portability and the high price now as a way to raise money.'

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