
How to improve wireless internet signal

The wires spoil the form of space and cost you a lot, and when an outage occurs, you are at a loss of any party should be started and may be the defect in a hidden place in the middle, so with wireless internet, you deposit a lot of problems, and remaining in front of you a single problem, is a weak reference, here's this steps to strengthen them.

1) updating the routerThe manufacturers of routers regular updates to its operating system, and can help those updates to increase efficiency and access to new features, and can be for those who have the experience to technology to install an operating system router to produce the other hand, that there are a number of free and safe might fit with your machine, such as "One project , DD-WRT "and properties that give more and more powerful than that contained in the platforms of your router.
2) Use of the tonic signalPossible to manufacture a sign or reflector antenna to improve wireless signal at home on the Internet where there are many sites that contain the instructions and steps industry using foil, which can strengthen the Internet signal significantly depending on the quality of materials used in the manufacture of tonic signal.
3) Use a duplicate of the signalBis signal wireless "Repeater" works much like the router, but instead of creating a reference does repeat those of the router, is characterized by a repeating signal easily installed and does not need to wires or connections, with the use of several repeaters to indicate it is easy to establish the Internet at home or Office work very efficiently.
4) Replace the router antennaUsually comes routers wireless antenna a small ability to send a signal in all directions and is useful to get the signal anywhere in the house, but a short distance, so it would be useful to replace the antenna another can direct signal in a certain direction you can get the reference where you want it.
5) Change the position of routerRadio signals are not of great extent and can cause walls or obstacles large overlapping signal must therefore be placed router in the middle of the house to get the best possible extent of the signal, place the router on the surface of a high level from the ground and away from obstacles, and overlap in the reference result signals wireless from the neighbors so be sure to use the difference channel signal is different from the neighbors to prevent the overlap of signals.

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