
The documents reveal how to deal with the remains of the Sept. 11 attacks

وثائق تكشف طريقة التعامل مع اشلاء من هجمات 11 سبتمبر
Collected the charred remains of some of them may be due to the victims of attacks of September 11 and burned and then sent to the landfill site, although an internal debate in which some officials recommended that the main U.S. military morgue that scatter the remains of these body parts into the sea.

Showed the documents published on March 30 / March that nearly a year later the attacks of September 11, 2001 fought people, military and civilian officials from the morgue Base Dover Air Force in Delaware undecided long email about what to do about 1321 pieces of body parts of unidentified, as no possible to identify the ownership of these body parts or linkage between them and any of the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks.
The official said that these body parts were mixed micro-debris from the building and the planes that hit him and some of them are likely to return to the kidnappers as well, adding that he is not certain that it remains of humanity. Ann said Joe Rooney, the acting assistant secretary of defense for personnel and training "may be anything biological. They probably had a human, or may be a bit of food or anything of the nature of the biological."
For his part, Admiral, Captain Greg Malak, a specialist in the medical examination to the Dover mortuary that encourages employees at the site of any disaster on the mass gathering anything they believe might be the sample may assist in the identification of the victim. He said thousands of samples remains unknown, sometimes at the end of the investigation. And publish the Pentagon about 2000 pages of documents collected as part of an investigation into allegations that the Dover mortuary mishandled the remains of the victims of war.
This investigation revealed that some body parts of victims of Sept. 11, burned and sent to the landfill site.
Source: Reuters
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