
British electric detonators are used for the brain to get rid of headaches

بريطانية تستخدم صاعقاً كهربائياً للمخ للتخلص من الصداع
The newspaper "Daily Mail" that the British Caroline Matheson (58 years) used an electric stun the brain, is a remote-controlled device "Remote Control" to get rid of the pain of headache hit 200 a day.

She explained that the case of Caroline resident in London, known among doctors as the "headache commit suicide" because of its mad sick, where suffering Caroline of this cluster headaches chronic eight years ago, began when she was on a trip with her husband and her daughter in Greece, and to get rid of the pain experienced 15 a different kind of treatment, but all methods of treatment have failed, before resorting to the detonator.
The newspaper pointed out that the process of electro-shock was growing fund size of matchbox in the chest; to send an electrical pulse to the brain to prevent any feeling of pain, which had a magical effect on the situation as it does not suffer now from more than shifts headache every day, and a description of Surgeons this result as "a true miracle," noting that the headache pain was affecting their performance and make them unable to do anything until the end of the pain.And said her doctor, Dr. "Manjit Mattro" consultant neurologist "A lot of women patients said they prefer to bear the pain of childbirth every day instead of the pain of these types of headaches," because the pain becomes very severe patients, and that the situation experienced by Caroline infect people only one of every 15 million.
This is due to the doctors that this type of headache may be due to inflammation of the fifth nerve in the brain, causing a large electric pain affects the entire face, and the pain lasts for several seconds and then disappear and then return again.
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