
U.S. company launches first private space ship this year

The company Virgin Galactic's Virgin Group, owned by Richard Branson to launch the first test spacecraft outside the Earth's atmosphere this year.
Officials said that the company will begin commercial passenger service in 2013 or 2014.
And scored about 500 client names for a trip in a spaceship SpaceShipTwo 2 that nine six passengers and two pilots, manufactured and test them Scaled Composites company engaged in aviation and space, which was founded by aircraft designer Burt Rutan and now owned by Northrop Grumman.
The cost of the ticket per person and $ 200 thousand will fly the ship at an altitude of 109 kilometers to give passengers the opportunity to experience the lack of gravity for a few minutes and see the planet are you on the back of the vast space.
Said Neil Armstrong, who was a pilot test the research aircraft X -15 sixties before he became the first U.S. astronaut landing on the moon, "the area below the orbit with a lot can be done. This region has been largely absent for nearly 40 years."
Armstrong said for about 400 people attending the next generation of research area below the orbit, which was held in Palo Alto, California, "Henk many opportunities. Really hope to be some new directions profitable and useful."
And Virgin Galactic is one of the few leading the development of spacecraft for tourism and research, education and trade.
Said William Pomerantz, deputy director of Virgin Galactic for private enterprise in his speech at the conference that SpaceShipOne 2 is the first of five spaceships take place within the company's fleet and that it has completed 31 flights in the test space.
And being prepared for the first trip on a rocket factory in California, the company is expected to launch this year outside the earth's atmosphere.
Source: Reuters

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