
Taylor Swift achieves the highest revenue in America for 2011

Topped the U.S. singer Taylor Swift classification of musicians who have achieved the highest revenue in the United States in 2011, which achieved more than $ 35 million ahead of the Irish band "Yu Tu".
The artist's 22-year-old winner of 6 Grammy Awards is little known in Europe, but are very popular in the United States, as it made tours and sales Asitoanadtha revenues of $ 35.7 million dollars in 2011, as shown by the official classification of the magazine "Billboard" specialized in the field of music .
Was ranked second by the "Yu Tu" Irish with 32.1 million dollars in the United States in 2011 thanks to the stations in the U.S. tour of the massive "360 Daijeri Tour", while third place went to Kenny Chesney, achieving $ 29.8 million, a Country Singer , and is an area musician generates a lot of revenue in the United States, but he was in great demand abroad.
And in fourth place followed by Lady Gaga recorded $ 25.4 million, and Lil Wayne in fifth place, recording $ 23.2 million, and was a sixth Chada by $ 16.4 million, and Bon Jovi VII, achieving $ 15.8 million, Celine Dion and then in ranked eighth by $ 14.3 million.
Solving singer Jason Alcantra religion in ninth place, recording $ 13.4 million, while the British came tenth Adele realized $ 13.1 million despite the cancellation of several plants of the American tour of 2011 due to undergoing surgery in the vocal cords.
She said the magazine "Billboard" The Adele Star Soul, who has won six Grammy Awards in February broke a lot of records with her album "21", which remained 23 weeks the lead sales in the United States, according to the newspaper, "Union," the UAE, citing the agency "AFP" .
Among the artists who recorded the best returns in the United States singer Elton John, who came in 13th with 12 million ahead of Katie Perry, The Canadian Justin Bieber, who does not have a U.S. tour of 2011 took their place in the 35th with 5.5 million dollars.
Source: Arabic 

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