
Spain: Mobile Phone cause the fall of the child from the balcony of City Hall

Despite all the warnings, calling on mobile phone use, especially in transportation, there is harm from its use at inappropriate times. This is applicable to the Spanish mother, the first Monday, preoccupied with a long call on the mobile phone, overlooked for her daughter (17 months), which fell from the first floor in a building Motral City, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in southern Spain. The accident occurred when the mother fell mayor of the city, on Monday morning, to follow a transaction, accompanied by her daughter that were in the scooter. During all this period the mother is busy talking on the phone, while I took the girl to climb the cart, until she lost her balance and fell.Unfortunately, it did not fall on the ground floor first, but fell to the ground floor, from a height of four meters.
But fate saved, evildoers have a media official in the mayor, who was inside at that moment, have observed the child as she came down from above to pick it jumped and grabbed it. Although he did not succeed completely in preventing impact with the ground, he was able to reduce the power of the crash. In the meantime, the mother realized what had happened was shocked and took scream, and then suffered a nervous breakdown, while a staff member rushed to the girl to the ambulance until the arrival of the ambulance that carried her to the hospital Motral. At the hospital last medical report stated that the girl lying in intensive care suffering from a fractured skull, and a dangerous condition but stable.On the other hand, witnesses said one of the women noticed a child playing in the scooter, moving left and right without the belt, drew consider the mother and warned her to leave the child in this case, but the mother was busy talking on cell phones.
Source: Middle East 
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