
South Africa: A lady who did not get any traffic violation during the 62-year

جنوب افريقيا : سيدة لم تحصل على أي مخالفة مرورية خلال 62 عاما 
South Africa hailed the "wonderful example" provided by the driver in 80 of the uncle,drove for 62 years without getting any traffic offense in a country where 40 people are killed every day in traffic accidents.

Received Haysl Soma (80 years) from the Transport Minister Ndebele Spsisocertificate of good leadership for more than 60 years.
The minister said, "driving a car without mistakes and the excellent example provided byMs. Soma are the evidence that could put an end to the carnage on our roads."
And often lead South Africans in a dangerous manner. The driver stopped themotorcycle after he was caught traveling at 220 kilometers per hour in an area where thespeed limit is 120 km.

The death toll has fallen slightly to traffic accidents, but more than six million breachliberated between October 2010 and the end of the year 2011, and also stopped more than 21 000 drunk driver in the same period.

1 comment:

  1. People like her deserves all our appreciation. I think in my case it's impossible to do what she did even if I don't have any tickets until now....I don't know if the traffic ticket Toronto I had a few months ago counts because my lawyer dismissed it in court:)) even if it counts I'm sure I will get some ticket this year so this woman deserves a statue...if all drivers would be like her the Earth would be a better place:))
