
The owner of a private school in Jordan marry from the fifth appointed by the Director!

مالك إحدى المدارس الخاصة بالأردن يتزوج من خامس مديرة يعينها!
Accompanied by an owner of a private school in Amman, Jordan from the fifth appointed by the Director in his institution recently.

He said staff at the Ministry of Education of Jordan: "The owner of the private school, whenever appointed director got married to her that decided to marry a fifth, was forced to divorce one of his four wives who they collected the task of managing the school, can be automatically paired with the latest women managers in his organization." According to the site Naharnet, the story raises controversy among educators, where he sees a number of them that the personal freedom is no reason why what he did, as long as it agrees Shara, and there was no coercion, but the approval of managers who have asked to marry them. "
While denouncing others that, pointing out that the owners of some private educational institutions "not only the acquisition of the profits generated by their projects, but extend the wishes of a number of them to the acquisition of working in these institutions, though the door" expropriation legitimate "by marriage contracts certified by Following the courts lured with money. "
The average profit private schools in Jordan annually by about 40% of the total income achieved by the schools, after the levying and payment of salaries and other aspects of exchange due, while there was some private schools, the proportion of annual profits exceed 100%, at other times may exceed the 200 %, according to unofficial estimates.
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