
Messi top earners in 2011 between players and between coaches Mourinho

Magazine revealed "Frans Football" in French number, which will be issued on Tuesday that the Argentine striker Lionel Messi Barcelona Spanish league champions for football, is the highest paid player in 2011, and that the Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho, Real Madrid is the highest income among the trainers.

She explained the magazine's annual income Messi up to 33 million euros, spread over 5.1 million euros reward (875 thousand euros per month) and 5.1 million in the form of bonuses, and 21 million of advertising contracts and other processes.

And make Messi David Beckham to the Los Angeles Galaxy, which gets 5.31 million euros spread over 8.4 million salary (400 thousand per month) and 700 thousand of bonuses and 26 million of contracts for advertising, etc., and comes Cristiano Ronaldo, Real Madrid striker in the third income 2.29 million (13 million paid an average of 08.1 million per month, and 700 thousand bonuses and 5.15 million of contracts for publicity).

And at the levels of coaches, comes Mourinho at the forefront (8.14 million) in front of the Italian Carlo Ancelotti coach of Paris Saint-Germain (5.13 million distributed 6 million reward and 2.7 million in compensation dismissal from Chelsea and 300 thousand of its contribution in the commentary for Sky Italy).

The French coach Arsene Wenger's Arsenal fifties € 9 million per year, and is ranked fourth among the trainers.

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