
Love letters reveal the romantic side of life Rommel

Revealed excerpts from love letters published in a German newspaper that Ervin Rommel "Desert Fox" leader Adolf Hitler's favorite, who fought the Allies in North Africa unabated in the second world war was hopeless romantic.
Signed wily Desert Fox in love Valborja Astimr which she was then 18 years of Vinjartin in southern Germany in 1910 when he was young and low-ranking soldiers.
The courtship with the future general love letters after work commitments forced him to stay away.
According to German newspaper Bild that Rommel wrote in one of the letters "I am in good spirits, my dear full of life and very happy that you are interested in me."
Rommel wrote, "may take the holiday at the beginning of July ... Sati to Vinjartin for eight days. You kisses and greetings Irvine loved forever."
Rommel won the respect and allied forces during the military campaigns in North Africa during World War II because of his skilful leadership and courage of his troops in the war Vlqub Pthalb desert.
And belong to these messages that the grandson of Joseph Rommel that his mother was Gertrude illegitimate daughter of a soldier's love story with Valborja.
At the time of the birth of Gertrude Rommel was in the life of another woman already is Lucy Mullen, whom he married after that.
Valborja and committed suicide in 1928, the same year of birth of son Rommel Lucy.Desert Fox, but remained in touch with his daughter Gertrude first.
Hitler and Rommel was forced to commit suicide in 1944 after its association with a plot to assassinate the Nazi leader.
Source: Reuters 

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