
Italian village mayor issue an order to prevent the population from dying for lack of a cemetery!

عمدة قرية ايطالية يصدر أمرا بمنع السكان من الموت لعدم وجود مقبرة! 
Newspaper "La Stampa" Italian mayor of the village of Del Valchano Maseko, located in southern Italy, issued an order prohibiting the inhabitants of the village of death.In a statement entered into force in late March / March being issued by the mayor of the village Giulio Cesare Fava that "prevents the villagers and their guests to leave this world and the transition to the afterlife."
This decision is due to the lack of a cemetery in this village, which forced its inhabitants to the present moment to bury their dead in a cemetery belonging to the neighboring town of Kareynola which are separated from the village of Del Valchano Maseko in 1964. Since a long time there is talk about expanding the cemetery Kareynola and the allocation of part of the village of Valchano. But the authorities did not seem Kareynola any initiative in this regard, he decided to village mayor Valchano solve the problem in his own way and in an unusual.
Commented Fava on his decision, saying, "I know it's kind of provocation, but that the situation has reached its peak. What people say? I have been the inability of the authorities to solve the problem anger the local population who may have collected a thousand signature at the request in this regard. And even some They proposed to cut farmers from their land for a cemetery .. But no one listens to the officials of that. "
Fava and plans in the future for the selection of suitable land for a cemetery and the resolution of outstanding issues with the authorities of using Kareynola Jurists.For its part, quoted by the newspaper "Almisagiiro" Italian Fava said that the residents of the village they were pleased about is the mayor, which seems strange, at least, if not unreasonable, where he died two residents of the village from the moment of issuance of the order, and that means they did not obey to the order of the mayor! .

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