
Israeli rabbi: an attack on Iran is contrary to the teachings of the Torah

حاخام إسرائيلي: ضرب إيران يتعارض مع تعاليم التوراة
The newspaper "Haaretz" an article by Israeli Rabbi Mikhail Kanov confirmed that the direction from which Israel's military strike on Iran, contrary to the texts and the teachings of the Torah (Old Testament).
He drew attention to the silence of the rabbi of the religious establishment in Israel about the statements of many politicians and statesmen on the need to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, and whether it is compatible with the "Jewish values."
As the Rabbi Kanov that despite the existence of a theory of Jewish law granted Jews the right to declare what he called a "war power" to control the land and proof of military force, but he warned of the consequences of wars like this in the current period as may be caused by the loss of life of the Jewish people.
The latest statement was the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who Beniamn said that "the bombing of Tel Aviv lighter from Iran to get nuclear weapons."
Is noted that this is not the first statement to him is based on Jewish religious leaders in their assessment of the political issue, as the group already "Nittori Carta" or guards of the city that the ancient Aramaic language that may not be declared to the Jews return to Palestine based on the biblical texts as well.
And reflects them and their followers openly about their belief in the need for the demise of Israel with the assertion that it should be by peaceful means, and express their desire to live within the confines of a Palestinian state in peace just like the Palestinians, just as he was living ancestors the Jews of Palestine in the Holy Land before the beginning of the Zionist movement and the establishment of the State Israel.
Source: Russia Today

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