
In the eighth child consumes two packs of cigarettes a day ...

Indonesians consume a child in the age of eight two packs of cigarettes a day, as quoted by local press, which is yet another example of excessive smoking suffered by the country's fourth globally in terms of population, especially among children.
And inspire a boy from the province of Sukabumi of the island of Java, "he began smoking at the age of four," as what to tell his father in an interview with the agency "Antara" official. He adds that he "claimed the smoke more and more to end up today with two packs a day." The parent who did not reveal his identity a bicycle taxi driver wounds.
And tells his son that "no longer wants to go to school. He spends his days smoking and playing. " He explains that the child gets angry a lot when it refused to provide him with cigarettes.
Smoking is very common in Indonesia, which includes 240 million people and where the proportion of smokers rose six times in four years, according to World Health Organization. Today, the 65 million Indonesians themselves smokers.
The price of a pack of cigarettes almost one dollar, a large sum, while the majority of people live on less than two dollars a day. But smoking in Indonesia is not a bad thing, as is the case in many other countries, in Jakarta, one of the clinics claim to cure diseases, particularly cancer, including by cigarette smoke.
And smoking recorded in all age groups. In 2010, for example, a child has undergone in its second year of treatment to get rid of the addiction to cigarettes consumed a day after he was forty cigarettes.

Source: AFP 

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