
Hospitals turned into a museum of horror

Go to the hospital to receive treatment and we hope to come out in better condition, but some places were a wall to hide inside most types of torture, which is created around a lot of rumors about those who are still suffering inside, despite the closure of most of them formally, to the extent that some may turned into a shrine for fans of horror, here'sthe most famous hospitals.

Danvers state Hospital
Established this hospital in the state of Massachusetts, the U.S. treated patients brains,including between the flanks 600 patients but the number of patients arrived in the fortiesof the last century to 2300, methods of treatment were varied between severe beatingsand electric shocks that closed its doors in 1992, the building now witnessing some of the phenomena of others like a normal lock the doors and opening a suspicious mannerand the unheard voices of steps although there is no one inside. Organize tours around the state hospital for fans of horror, but do not agree to the entry of any individual.
Taunton State hospital
The back of this hospital in 1854 and was intended also for the mentally ill, a lot of rumorscirculated that some religious rituals alien was held in the cellar was carried out by both employees and patients, turning the building the hospital now to a facility for juvenileswho claim that they always see the specter of a man crawling on the walls of the buildingfrom the inside. This building does not regulate the rounds inside.
Old Tooele Hospital
Is this hospital in the state of Ohio is known manifestation of abnormal, was filmed in thehorror film "" the stand derived from the novel "steven king" of the same name, the hospital was house poor for the elderly before it turns to a hospital for mental illness, closed its doors in 2000 The building became devoid of any activity that someonebought it in 2006 to convert it to a shrine for fans of horrible phenomena, and the allegedowner of the building that there are ghosts to appear inside the patient rooms and otherghosts of the nurses appear between the corridors of the building.
Waverly Hills Sanatorium
Is this hospital in the state of Kentucky American and built in 1910 for patients withtuberculosis, has seen some unfortunate incidents such as the suicide of a nurse after discovering she was pregnant without marriage, and committed suicide a nurse the otherby jumping from the balcony, some say that many of the strange things occur when suchsounds of screaming without knowing the source and the emergence of ghost of a child under the eyes asking others to play with him. Tours organized in the hospital for fans ofthese abnormal phenomena.
Royal Hope Hospital
Hospital this afternoon in the period between 1784 to 1821 and was explaining the underdeveloped bodies of war, "Seminole" that took place among the tribes of American Indians and the U.S. military. When the mayor of the city dug later in hospital site in order to build a pipeline for water and found piles of bones believed to be a return to the Indian tribes. Building, which is located in the place of the hospital now believed to contain a lotof ghosts between the flanks, and you can visit in one of the daily tours organized for him.
The ridges
This hospital is located inside the campus of Ohio University for criminals with mental illnesses, the patients in this hospital are subjected to severe beatings by staff, hasclosed its doors in 1980, and now it organizes tours for fans of horrible phenomena.
Alton Mental Health Hospital
Work is still in force in this hospital who treated patients with minds, in the early years of the last century was that the hospital convert to radical methods of treatment such aselectric shocks and surgical operations for the lobes of the brain. Workers in the hospitalnow claim to hear the closing of doors in places do not have doors, and also claimed tohear voices of ghosts.
Genesee county Home
Building the hospital was a refuge for orphans, the elderly and includes a special pavilionfor people with psychological conditions and this was during the 19 th century, and in the years between 1950 and 1974 was home for the elderly, where he was buried inmateswhen they die in the ground surrounding the building, stop activity in the building since2007, but did not stop inside the movement ghosts, according to witnesses.
Manteno Mental Hospital
Another hospital for the mentally ill was supposed to include 200 patients but treat them8000 included only 200 processor, and electric shocks were used constantly, and some claim to see ghosts and hear the screams continued it.
Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum

This hospital included among its guests, "Charles Manson" American criminal months,was tortured and killed inside a lot of mental patients, some believe that building the hospital is full of ghosts since it closed its doors in 1994.
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