
The discovery of an unknown part of the Great Wall of China

اكتشاف جزء غير معروف من سور الصين العظيم
The newspaper "Daily Telegraph" British, British researcher William Lindsey was found in the territory of Mongolia on the part of the Great Wall of China is the subject of modern geographical maps.
The Lindsey studying this famous Chinese teacher since 1986 and was awarded the OBE in 2006 for his research and discoveries of geographical science.
The researcher says that he had decided in the autumn of last year to undertake a mission to the Gobi desert stretching south-east of Mongolia and northwest China after it found a copy of the Atlas of the geographical area goes back to the 12th century. The methods of campaigns and military commander of the Mongolian invasions of Genghis Khan placed on the map of Atlas, as it was this part (not previously known) of the Great Wall of China decree clearly on one of these maps. In addition, the researchers confirm a Mongolian on the fact that this part of the fence helped push the British to find its position in reality.
According to Lindsey that the part wall, which was found in the Gobi Desert stretches for about 100 kilometers, is meant to be have been built in about 120 BC, during the era of the Han empire in China at the time of the ruling. The wall was built of earth and grass, and was designed to protect this region of the nomadic tribes that have frequent attacks on the territory of the Chinese Empire.
Is scheduled to publish the results of this discovery, who could become an exciting event in the next issue of the Chinese version of the magazine "National Geographic".

Source: Russia Today

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