
Defect in the wiring caused the deaths of 146 explosions in Congo Brazzaville

الكونغو برازفيل
Government officials said in the Republic of Congo Brazzaville that an imbalance in the electrical connections led to Sllsh Anfgrat that killed 146 people and wounded hundreds in a series of explosions rocked the capital early on Sunday morning.He was the master of ceremonies in the presidency Pangana Beto said, "according to medical sources, the death toll to two hundred and wounded many."The French news agency AFP quoted a European diplomat as saying "You can count at least 150 people in military hospitals and nearly 1,500 wounded in the cases of degrees of danger."The source added, "There is also a large number of wounded reached 1,500 wounded admitted to civilian hospitals" in the capital.The government officials and witnesses have said that the explosions occurred after the outbreak of fire in parts of the military camp in the neighborhood of Blind Mbela overlooking the river.Explosions at the infected population of the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo severe panic, but state television in Kinshasa and broadcast a statement calling on citizens to remain calm.The Lambert Mende, spokesman for the Kinshasa government had said earlier that he had spoken with officials in the government of Brazzaville told him that the explosion at an ammunition dump near the Hilton Hotel.The news agency Reuters witness in Kinshasa as saying: "There were three explosions, including explosion uprooted glass window of my house has just followed a series of small explosions."The Republic of the Congo have suffered from civil wars and coups, military rule for many years since its independence from French colonialism.And enjoyed a quiet country since the beginning of the nineties in spite of the military coup by President Denis Sassou Nguesso in 1997.

Source: BBC Arabic

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