
After losing more than 100 thousand euros ... French is suing the state because it did not deprive him of a gamble

French provides a platform for working in the oil filed suit against the French state, it did not apply to action taken against him to prevent him from playing «poker» through websites devoted to gamble after all. Prosecutor and lost more than 100 thousand euros, during the last three years, because of his addiction to access such sites.
Since the spring of 2010, French law allows gambling through the «Internet». But the authorities adopt a list of gamblers who lose everything in the possession of money at gambling tables and can not pay their obligations. There are addicted to games of chance come forward to demand by adding their names to the lists because they are the only way to deter them from gambling.
And gets Julian, the complainant, aged 26 years, a salary from his job well. But, according to court records, over the financial crises in recent years, ever since I knew that his feet through the gambling casinos. And what has come to play is permissible on the network in France, and to get rid of debt accumulation and differences with his partner because of his addiction «poker», made early last year a formal request to put his name on lists of those barred from gambling, which aims to protect those involved with and who wish to stop them. According to the lists, the play refuses to enter the sites owners names and forbidden to accept their credit cards.
Because the papilla back to old habits, try Julian month later, access to sites played a «poker», his frank, open and found the road in front of him did not reject the site by credit card. In less than a year was a gambler has lost 40 thousand euros. Is it guilt guilt guilt or country that has not deterred?
The answer to the question is what his view of the Administrative Tribunal of the «Bo», southwest France, last week issued a decision condemning the unprecedented delay in the administrative procedures for the Ministry of Interior, and requested the immediate registration of the plaintiff to the lists of prevention. At Julian's lawyer described his client as a «suffering from a serious case of addiction», and was waiting for the State to do its duty and protects them from Noazaah. The lawyer for the Ministry of Interior, said that the prevention measures take time to apply and can not be thrown immediately any name in the lists. The lawyer said, that the name of the plaintiff had taken place among the already banned, but he was entering on the websites are not licensed.
After the court directly, try Julian electronic gambling could open an account at $ 80 euros, but the site stopped the play, suggesting that the government has entered into force.

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