
Wikileaks threatens to expose the relationship and the Swedish Foreign Minister U.S. intelligence

ويكيليكس تهدد بفضح علاقة وزير الخارجية السويدي بالاستخبارات الأمريكية

Bomb, a new media blew site "Wikileaks" by declaring that the prime minister and former Swedish foreign minister the current Carl Bildt is a U.S. spy, and promised the site offering documents confirming he had cooperated with U.S. intelligence, affirmed site "Expressen" Swedish this information indicating that a source close to the site "Wikileaks" leaked the news to him, where according to some secret documents obtained by "Wikileaks" that Bildt was an informant for the United States of America in 1973 and cooperation with the U.S. government in ways that violate Swedish law.
The charges associated with the evidence may be considered a political murder of President of Swedish diplomacy. But Bildt in Britain did not comment on the news, but his office confirmed that the journalist to comment on such reports are emerging at a time when the documentation for the charge becomes a reality the act on the disposal of leaks unfounded.
According to sources, "Wikileaks" Understanding awaiting what will happen to the issue of Assange located in London and asked Sweden handed over her and there are several steps can be carried out, including what has moved against the interests of Swedish direct interest in the current against "Wikileaks" and Assange There are secret documents emphasize cooperation Bildt with U.S. authorities in contravention of and Swedish law, and there are doubts that the dilemma between Sweden and Assange is the problem so they can be fabricated to convert Assange to the United States of America, and these doubts deepen practical relationship Bildt U.S. intelligence.

Source: Russia Today

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