
Wikileaks: Clinton funded the Egyptian organizations

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Egypt: Gizeh (Photo credit: Brooklyn Museum)
Disclosure site Wikileaks leaked cables for citing diplomatic contacts that Washington has adopted a policy of allowing the transfer of funds to some politicians and activists across the Egyptian-American organizations, or international or Arab working as fronts for financing U.S. government in order to avoid Egyptian censorship.

Has included the site mentioned on the Web telegrams stating that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton personally approved in 2009 to allow organizations to provide funds for the Egyptian manner akin to money laundering.
The cables included by the location a secret telegram bearing the number "STATE38619" appended to the name Clinton on 18 April / April 2009 - classified as a confidential document, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman - says the policy is now the transfer of U.S. funding for groups of Egyptian politics through front organizations U.S. non-governmental or international in the form of "grants from the subcontractor."
According to the telegram also said that the two programs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - the first Office of democracy and human rights, labor, and the second in the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) - "agreed to support this thesis, the new," and asked both of at least $ 2.6 million for the democratic organizations "not registered" and politicians in Egypt, as well as increased allocations for 2011 for these organizations.
Change of courseHe revealed the Wikileaks site and pro-transparency of information for another telegram on February 26, 2009 and bearing the number "CAIRO353" stating that - and before the approval of Clinton six weeks - suggested U.S. ambassador to Egypt, then Margaret Scobey to Washington changed the path of the transfer of funds the U.S. government allocated to the politicians of the Egyptians "is registered "- mostly from the liberal opposition, secular or pro-neo-conservative movement - so that the first pass through front organizations to hide the funding after the Egyptian authorities accused Washington of interfering in internal political affairs of the country.
She wrote Ambassador Scobey in the cable, the secret number "CAIRO353" "We would like to find a way better and less confrontational to support them. We suggest instead of funding these organizations directly with Economic Support Fund of Egypt, to offer instead of that funding through other sources, for example, from the Bureau of Democracy and human rights, labor, or the Middle East Partnership Initiative, or a dedicated new direct from the Congress. "Scooby said in the telegram secret "money should go to an external organization such as the professional National Endowment for Democracy, which has a long-term vision for the promotion of democracy and will not bear the same burdens of political endowment funds have been used if the Economic Support Fund".
Into forceThe show followed the approval of the other cables that Clinton adopted the policy that went into effect immediately.
According to the telegram issued by the U.S. Embassy in Egypt on 30 April / April 2009 and rated "Top Secret", that one of the major organizations, the Egyptian-backed funded by a veiled organization funded in Morocco are the other American.
The Wire - which carried the signature of Ambassador Margaret Scobey - "The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights received funding from the Moroccan organization for a conference in Cairo on freedom of the press."
And named Ambassador of the Moroccan Center for Media Freedom, an organization immersed U.S. Ambassador revealed that they also funded by the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), launched by former U.S. President George W. Bush after the September 11 events / September 2001 and is subject to the U.S. State Department.
Millions of dollarsAs the "National Endowment for Democracy" to provide millions of dollars to associations, organizations and politicians Egyptians whom Ibn Khaldun Center, run by activist Saad Eddin Ibrahim, the Arab Center for Independence of the Judiciary and chief activist, Nasser Amin, the status of Al-Andalus Institute for Tolerance and Anti-Violence, and a forum Cairo Liberal.
The endowment awards to politicians and journalists Egyptians on the connection over the years the embassy supported the invasion of Iraq and hit Israel to Lebanon in 2006, such as Egyptian publisher Hisham Kassem, who now works with an initiative of the National Endowment U.S. as a member of the Committee guidance as he is Chairman of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights.
And demonstrate the interdependence of the leaked cable US-funded institutions in the Arab world and the coordination between them to avoid government oversight Arab funding, and showed a triangle of close cooperation between the collection and one of the oldest civic organizations in Egypt and the foreign diplomats and the interface of finance in Morocco.
The prosecution of Egypt may face charges to 43 Egyptians and foreigners, including Americans breaking the law and receiving illegal funds from abroad to influence the political process in the country, but international human rights institutions such as Human Rights Watch, associated organizations, the Egyptian criticized the decision, describing it as the return of Egypt to the reign of dictatorship.
And raised this issue a crisis in relations between Cairo and Washington and Western criticism and threats, including statements by U.S. officials on cutting economic and military aid for Egypt.
Can be found on the original message in English on the following links:


Source: The News America wears

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