
Thrown at the stones Chinese embassy in Libya

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Protesters raised the flags of independence, Syrian and Libyan (French)
Syrians, Libyans threw on Monday the Chinese embassy in Tripoli stones after one day of targeting the Russian embassy in the Libyan capital, to protest the use of Beijing and Moscow a veto against a draft resolution on Syria on the Security Council.
And managed about fifty protesters holding flags of the Syrian independence from smashing windows at the embassy building and writing slogans on the walls, but they were prevented from storming the building.
Protesters were not able to take down the Chinese flag and fly the flag of independence, Syrian replaced, other than what he did, protesters injured in the Russian Embassy on Sunday.
The Chinese embassy security guards fired shots into the air to prevent the storming of the building by protesters who hurled eggs and then tomatoes before they line up for prayer. A Chinese guard that he did not harm caused to the staff of the embassy.
Dozens of protesters have been targeted Sunday the Russian Embassy in Tripoli, and tore up the Russian flag and replaced by the flag of independence the Syrian and Libyan current science.
In Algiers, security forces prevented large on Monday, dozens of demonstrators from approaching the Syrian Embassy. There have been some skirmishes when some protesters tried to break through security barriers, but he did not remember the acts of violence occur.
The protesters carried flags of the Syrian independence, and chanted slogans, one says that the end of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will be modeled on the late end of the Libyan Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
Source: Agencies

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