
Success in freezing fruit fly larva

Scientists from the Czech Republic managed to keep the fruit fly larvae and grow-frozen state after the demise of the freeze later to become the very insecticide suitable for use in scientific research, using simple laboratory techniques.
The scientists said their study results published Monday in the journal Brosidngus of the American Academy of Sciences that they have used a relatively simple laboratory techniques to make the larvae of this insect is able to reproduce after freezing. The larvae grow after the end of the case of freezing, insects become fully developed and capable of reproduction, which makes this method suitable for storage of fruit flies in the laboratory and at low cost after it was costing to keep a lot of expenses.
AdaptThere are species of fruit flies live in the tropics, where warm, less fluctuation in temperature.
These insects and become adapted to the warm temperatures and can not bear cold where development depends if temperatures fall below ten degrees Celsius and then got hurt if the degree of cold below six degrees Celsius.
And dies, the insects in all stages of development if frozen for a short time to level five degrees below zero.
But there are factions of the fruit flies live in the areas of cold and frost and bear live even if they were frozen in nitrogen in the degree of cold warm up to 196 degrees Celsius below zero.
The researcher wanted Vladimir Kostal and his colleagues from the Centre "AS CR" scientific biological research in the Czech Republic see if it was possible to make the number of species of fruit fly sensitive to cold, able to withstand low degrees cooler.
They concluded after many experiments with a way to make it seem possible, where they were fed larvae of fruit flies sensitive to cold acid proline amino who has had an impact on flies like the impact of antimatter-freeze and then go back this flies on the cold, by exposing them to temperatures varying between 6 and 11 degrees C and then frozen larvae at temperatures of up to five degrees Celsius, and it dries so that means about half of the body of these insects.
The researchers found that the cells of more than 60% of the insects treated in this way remained intact after the disintegration of the larvae and the transition from the frozen form, while the evolved 14% of these insects to the stage of the Virgin and 9 % to a full adult insect.
Intermarried and percentage of recent insects and produced offspring capable of life.
Thus, the researchers proved that it is possible through simple intervention conversion types of fruit fly sensitive to cold to insects bear freezing.
Source: German news agency

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