
Study the link between eczema and the risk of erectile dysfunction

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Dr. Robert Oliver Pearman, "Dr. Erectile Dysfunction", ca. 1948 (Photo credit: aroid)

Taiwanese study showed that men who suffer from sensitive skin known as eczema may be more vulnerable to the risk of erectile dysfunction than others.
Although the study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine Journal of Sexual Medicine included many thousands who suffer from erectile dysfunction and come to the relationship in this regard, researchers said it is necessary to conduct further studies and it is still too early to confirm that eczema alone cause this weakness.
Lead researcher Shiu-Dong Chung and his colleagues at Taipei Medical University, "has been reached to the relationship between ED and atopic dermatitis," a medical term for eczema.
"It is recommended further studies to replicate the results that have appeared here and to clarify the mechanisms responsible for them."
Search and Chung and his colleagues in the private insurance data requests and three thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven men newly diagnosed as infected with erectile dysfunction and compared between them and about 20 thousand in the same age is infected with the disease.
The study showed that about 11 percent of those with erectile dysfunction were diagnosed eczema before they are infected with erectile dysfunction.
By comparison, less than seven percent of the non-infected people with eczema erectile dysfunction.
After balancing the researchers of other factors including health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and found that the probability that those who suffer from erectile dysfunction a history of eczema increases the incidence by 60 percent for others.


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