
Obama proposes $ 800 million to promote "the Arab countries of Spring"

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House announced on Monday plans to offer more than 800 million dollars in economic aid to countries "Arab spring" in the time that keeps it on the U.S. military aid to Egypt in spite of the crisis caused by the Egyptian campaign against militants American Defenders of Democracy .
In a year of strong discussions about the budget cuts sought U.S. President Barack Obama to preserve the basic U.S. spending on foreign aid and development while reducing the expenses of existing programs and reduce the proposals to build new embassies and hire more diplomats.
He asked Obama in his annual message on the budget to Congress to maintain military aid to Egypt at the same level of recent years, amounting to $ 1.3 billion per year and sought to provide $ 250 million in the form of economic aid normal for Egypt as it seeks to shift from tyranny after the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak last year.
These proposals are part of the budget request submitted by Obama for the financial year 2013 which begins on the first of October. Must be approved by Congress on the budget.And preferably some U.S. lawmakers cut spending to address the external budget deficit.
Obama's request and $ 51.6 billion for the State Department and foreign aid generally includes $ 8.2 billion in aid to war zones.
The White House has sought to increase of 1.6 percent in the budget of the Ministry of Foreign excluding spending on Iraq and Afghanistan, which is estimated separately.
Obama said in his budget that most of the new economic aid to countries of the Arab Spring -770 million - will go to "Incentive Fund Middle East and North Africa."
Officials said the bulk of that money will be spent on new initiatives to support economic reforms, political and commercial long-range states where a shift such as Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen.
Said Tom Nadez Deputy U.S. Secretary of State, "We are in a new world. Arab spring solution.
"We have to make sure that we have the tools and flexibility to fund these initiatives .. the world is evolving as we see it and feel that a fund is important."
Obama continued in his style on the development of the proposed foreign aid to war zones in a special account. This account includes $ 8.2 billion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Aid.
This includes $ 3.3 billion for Afghanistan and Pakistan billion and four billion dollars for Iraq, which U.S. forces departed, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took over some functions such as police training.
The decline in public spending for Iraq by almost ten percent from fiscal 2012 to $ 4.8 billion.
Continued aid to Israel steady at about 3.1 billion dollars.
She said the budget document that the new initiative to fund the Middle East in the other programs include up to two billion dollars in financing the private investment outside and up to two billion dollars in the form of exchange of debt for Egypt and nearly $ 500 million in funds current was re-allocated to respond to the region last year .
It did not say how the document will be divided Incentive Fund Middle East and North Africa between the countries did not give any further details of the plan.
Source: Reuters

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