
Norway fought demanding (Brevik) Medal military

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A panel of doctors concluded last year that Brevik crazy (French)Student Andres Behring Brevik, who was killed last summer, 77 people in Norway in the first hearings in his case Location: Oslo highest military reward for "preemptive attack" by against the "traitors to the state" who will make the country's indigenous population "minority".
And in front of about 60 relatives of the victims and the equivalent of that number of journalists, defended Brevik yesterday reiterated Almzbhtin which Artkphma in Oslo and the island of Otoya by saying that his attack double the contribution to prevent the "invasion of the Islamic" to Europe, accusing the left Norway that will make the "Norwegian Native" a minority in their country because of immigration policies that followed.
Many of the dead young men massacre Otoya attending a forum organized by the island's ruling Workers' Party.
Brevik and when he entered the courtroom led by greeting his lawyer said it is the extreme right and salute him for membership in the expression of this trend.
IronicBrevik was a head Bonzarh testifies frequently to journalists and relatives of victims who Tnazaathm mixed feelings, some of them wept because he expected an apology, but he quickly took the laughs from the words of the killer as the best way to Tschifa.
He said any individual, a torrid one of his daughters was killed in the massacre of Otoya "What a clown! Lacks not only a red nose."
A young man who also survived the massacre of the same name Magnus HAAKONSEN "When I saw him the first time in Otoya was at a distance of ten meters and was pointing a gun at me .. what are the weapons directed at him now: a weapon of justice."
He added that "One way to strip Brahinh of Brevik is the laughter of them."
A committee of doctors, mental health had concluded last year that Brevik crazy, and is expected to experience a second report was issued on April 10 / April next, ie, six days before the trial began officially.
He scoffed at Brevik of the report of the first experience, describing it during the hearing Balskhaev, and accusing the judge of that "those who support a multicultural society."
Brevik and will be prosecuted regardless of the mental health report, but if the judges decide in the end it is crazy, may enter an institution for mental treatment instead of prison.
Brevik, but could face 21 years in prison if convicted, the court ruled that sane enough to carry out his sentence.
Source: Agencies

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