
New technology to help blind people to write text messages

التقنية الجديدة
Researchers at the "Georgia Institute of Technology" in the United States developed a new technique based on Braille to help blind people to write messages on mobile phones with touch screens.It is believed that the "application" "Brailletouch", which will be available on devices "Apple" and "Android", six times faster than existing tools to write messages without seeing it.This comes in light of growing interest in the ability of the visually impaired to use modern technology in light of the spread of computers and mobile phone with touch screen.Experts say the methods currently available, such as technology "Voiceover" devices "Apple", a useful but slow and can not be used effectively.The application uses the "Brailletouch", which he hopes the team released during the next two weeks, a system can be controlled using six fingers and does not require moving the hand.The head of the research team Mario Romero that users who know Braille "do not move their hands at all."The makers say "Brailletouch" it would be free, and may not be needed during use to look at the keyboard to suit even the sighted who want to write letters during their concern given to something else.Romero said the "BBC": "Learn to use the Braille points mean little places." He adds: "My colleagues and I need to save for a few hours places so that we can begin to write about 10 words per minute. Not something that take years."But Romero played down the possibility to use the program to write messages while driving, adding that it needs to focus and this can not be achieved while driving the car.He pointed to the growing concerns of the blind that the widespread use of touch screens, which is an obstacle in front of them.He added that despite the existence of research on the touch screen, "but we did not get after the touch screens suitable for the visually impaired."He explained that the blind say they "see things with their fingers, but with devices with touch screens, they do not really see anything."

Source: BBC Arabic

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