
Monitoring the genetic map of an animal in Australia .. May also benefit humans

Scientists have succeeded in monitoring the Map crew genetic "genome" of an animal (demon Tasmania) is threatened with extinction in Australia and concluded that tumors that appear on the face and kill rate of ten percent of the population of established very slowly, allowing to take advantage of this discovery to prevent the extinction of this species toforever.
He said scientists at the Australian National University on Friday in the journal (Blues Genetics PLoS Genetics) that scientific discovery is not useful in those terms, but also can be employed to uncover how the emergence of tumors in humans.
And / Tasmanian Devil / of mammalian meat eaters with a pouch or bag, such as the Australian Kangaroo in the size of a small dog and only home on the island of Tasmania, Australia. And plagued with these wild animals in the emergence of tumors of the face and that since the discovery of these tumors in the mid-nineties of the last century.
Scientists believe unless they step up to reach for the effective treatment of these clans in the animal as soon as this race has become extinct over the next few decades.
However, the completion of the process of monitoring the entire genetic material of an animal (Tasmanian devil) at the hands of researchers, led by Janine Deakin shares to reach that these tumors arise very slowly - at the genetic level - which makes it easy to study this fact and attempt to circumvent them.
Deakin said that Moreover, it provides an exceptional opportunity to study how the emergence of tumors in humans.
Deakin said "due to the discovery of the tumors (Tasmanian devil) arise very slowly, we can use that as a model to study cancer in humans. It's almost like how slow the process of the emergence of tumors in humans."
And went on to say "human tumors in the change occurs so rapidly then zero chance that the monitoring mechanism. But we can succeed in the case of (Tasmanian devil)."
Spreading tumors (Tasmanian devil) through the skin and communication between its members and the disease kills the animal by the events of malformations precludes the obtaining of any food or breathing lead to suffocation or starvation of the animal.
The team also said that large numbers of chromosomes in the cells of the body (demon Tasmania) infected tumors had scattered and mixed up and Trast at irregular times.
"There's one chromosome in particular have quite scattered, which means that genes are no longer arranged in its usual."
This discovery may contribute to provide a set of clues that help researchers.
The results of an earlier U.S. study on two (Tasmanian devil) to the lack of this race of genetic diversity, which may be made from these animals succumb to infection tumors.

Source: Reuters

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