
How to save your phone from drowning?

Preparing for the descent of the swimming pool, then .. Do you forget something? Your phone is still in your pocket. Ten steps in front of you urgently before he died .. Give him a kiss of life before the plunge already.

1 - Remove the phone from the water as soon as possible. The outer cover sealed - we know that - but the hard water will not enter it within 20 seconds most likely. Common mistake here is that you open the phone to make sure that it works, this will lead to a problem in electrical circuit, slowed a bit. Drying device requires a tight, even if it works.
2 - grabbed the battery. This is one of the most important steps, and do not take time tothink about or implement Water and electricity do not mix. This step may depend upon the life of the phone. A lot of electrical circuits in the phone will be able to resist the water in the absence of contact with the source of the stream. To make sure that your phone may harmhappened to him or not, check the edge of the back of the battery, you'll find a square or a circle, this circle that turned to red or pink .. Unfortunately you can not save the phone in a timely manner.
If you can not phone out in time, you have to extract the battery is still under water. Water helps to reduce the temperature of the problems that produce electricity in the phone.
Grabbed the slide. Some or all of the numbers to be stored on the chip, which means someof the more important of the phone itself. Most of the slides are not exposed to damage from water, but some of the following steps may be exposed to, it is best taken away quicklyand keep it aside to re-use the phone again.
3 - Remove all other accessories and all that is connected to the phone, and open fieldseach side.
4 - Dry the phone well, forget any drop of water may be the reason for the destruction of thephone and follow the following:
- Dry the phone is in your hand using any towel and you can shake to expel the waterbecause this could push the water to spread into the phone.

- Optional Step: Dry the phone from the inside using a towel wet with alcohol, alcohol will remove the water.
- Make sure you clear any remaining water vapor using your hand or glove dry.

5 - Use the vent to the air if you can, if you want to dry the internal parts of the phone, itwould be very helpful. Do this for 20 minutes on almost all aspects of the phone. This method is faster and allows you to re-use the phone after about half an hour but is not recommended for use in case the phone to water for a long time, and care should be taken not to bring hood of the device, because this could result in shipments, which could lead to the worst.
IMPORTANT WARNING: Do not use a hair dryer for this purpose because it could push the water vapor to enter the small spaces inside the phone with the rush of air, which may lead to corrosion of internal components. The air was very hot outside it may dissolvesome components of the circuit the phone.
6 - Use good material associated with water to absorb moisture. For example, you can put the phone in a dish of rice (raw, of course) and the rice will absorb the remaining water vapor.
If you have some of the small balls that absorb water, which is usually inside the bag looks like a small desiccant bag comes with electrical appliances, it's best to use instead of ricebecause it absorbs moisture much better. In this case you have to hold the device with thepellets in a bag and leave it closed sealing for the whole night until the lead pellets workwell. Then flipping the phone to one of its aspects at all hours to ensure drops out all thewater hidden inside.
7 - Place the phone on the towel after him out, and inspect the towel after 4 to 6 hours, if any, by the effects of water you must re-steps 6 and 7.

8 - Try the device. After waiting for about 24 hours, examine a good machine and make sure it is completely dry. And now arrived the battery and .. Open the phone.
That does not work, try connecting to the charger without the battery, if managed properly and that the phone but you have to buy a new battery. If the device works, but there is a problem in operating know that you may have forgotten some of the water in the home or that some parts of the phone, unfortunately, have begun to wear.

9 - The experiment does not work, you can unzip the full phone and make sure you know the location of each piece to be able to return it in the end. Then use the towel with hood for air drying parts of the phone, but take caution so as not to swallow a hood Parts of the device.

10 - that did not work this way, you should also be taken to the nearest agent, in some cases, can save him. We know you will ask, "Why not take him from the start and more to myself all the fuss", you'll know that you did something that did not succeed in restarting the phone, at least to prevent the water to be removed, as you may succeed and save yourself what you would pay to the agent Here, we have to remind you that you tell them the details of what happened there and not try to hide the fact that it occurs in the water because it will know that there are many signs that will indicate this, as that will make them explain what they know they have to do directly without wasting time.
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Source: Yahoo written

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