
Vitamin D improves the sight of the elderly

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British scientists found that the pharmaceutical supplements can be a simple and effective way to combat eye diseases related to aging, such as "macular degeneration."
Scientists believe that many people in developed countries, lack of vitamin D that they think it's important to maintain a steady flow of blood to the retina.
But the Royal National Institute for the Blind alerted to the need for further work before people start taking supplements to help strengthen weak eyesight.
It is noteworthy that the researchers devised the idea of ​​this study, after examining other results showed that vitamin D can reduce the accumulation of plaque on the brain and starchy, which was associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease.
Experience has shown the possibility of laboratory animals to be vitamin D is also useful in preventing a range of health problems related to aging deterioration of vision to heart disease.
Although vitamin D exists in some foods such as fish, egg yolks fat, 90% of it is made by the help of the skin strong sunlight. Many people do not get enough sunlight to make enough vitamin D.
He warned Mr. Jeffrey Glenn, who led the study at the Institute of Yu. C. All of Ophthalmology, the researchers need to conduct clinical trials on humans before full confirmation that the elderly must begin to take vitamin D supplements.
For its part, warned Clara Aiglin of the Royal Institute for the Blind to the need to remind people that this is at the stage of the experiment, and anyone thinking of taking supplements of vitamins should consult their doctor first, because eating high levels of supplements can Espbb other health problems.

Source: The Daily Telegraph

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