
U.S. sergeant trial issue of "modern"

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Sergeant Wuterich (right) up the court accompanied by a defense team (French)
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Began at Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, California, the U.S. trial the U.S. Marine Corps sergeant Frank Wuterich accused of causing the deaths of 24 Iraqi civilians in 2005, one of the worst abuses in the U.S. military in Iraq since the invasion in 2003.
Prosecutors said at the opening of the court-martial yesterday that Sergeant Wuterich, 31, gave orders exaggerated to his unit died in the body of a companion torn by a roadside bomb in Haditha in November 2009, to send after that his men to hunt down "insurgents" in some houses a modern village , and falls dead a 24 civilian casualties, including ten women and children killed by gun shot in the head.
Prosecutors and clips from a meeting of the American television program Wuterich in 2007 when Roy how he ordered his men as they break into the first house that the "shoot first and ask questions later."
He said Wuterich - who had no military experience field - he did not appreciate that it is necessary to stop the shooting for the presence of women and children in the first broke into the house, which killed six people.
But defense lawyer Haytham Faraj said that the modern village was "rife" in 2005 as "rebels," and that his client's intention "was to perform the task entrusted to him," and sought his innocence from the jury.
And includes the jury that will decide the fate of Wuterich four officers and four recruits, all of whom served in Iraq.
Payment and Wuterich pleaded not guilty to nine charges related to intentional murder and other charges, including professional negligence.
If convicted at trial - the month-long - it has ruled on the Wuterich of 150 years in prison, but in the meantime is still a free man exercise his normal military practice.
He was acquitted of seven guys and Wuterich in the same case in different trials.

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Source: French

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