
Shows the death of Cuban In prison

Raul Castro (left) has issued an amnesty for 3,000 prisoners last month (French - Archive)

Announced opposition to the Cuban Elizardo Sanchez political prisoner Wilmar Villar, 31, died Thursday at a hospital east of Santiago, Cuba, after 50 days of hunger strike.
Said Sanchez, who heads the Cuban Committee for Human Rights and National Reconciliation, a committee is not legally recognized, but the authorities are not exposed to it, the Wilmar Villar declined to eat in protest against the sentence to a term of four years issued against him the Court of Cuban November 24 last year.
He added that Villar's health gradually deteriorated and died on Thursday at 18:45 local time (23:45 GMT).
He pointed out that Villar was for several days in case of danger, Department of Intensive Care in the Hospital of Santiago, Cuba, 900 km southeast of Havana.
Sanchez said that the Cuban Committee for Human Rights and National Reconciliation "is that the moral and political responsibility and jurisdiction for the death of Villar borne by the Cuban government," adding that "his death could have been avoided."
In December / December, Cuban President Raul Castro amnesty included about 3,000 inmates in prisons in the largest mass release in the history of the Cuban regime.
According to Sanchez estimated the number of detainees in Cuba between 70 thousand and 80 thousand, pointing out that the amnesty covered about 4% of the detainees, said that most of the released detainees small misdemeanors.

Source: French

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