
Putin promotes provided by opinion polls

Continues to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin - who faces a protest movement unprecedented in the country - to offer the intentions of the vote, which showed, according to a poll published on Friday that he will win the presidential election scheduled for the fourth of March / March of the first session by obtaining 52% of the vote.

During a previous survey conducted by the Institute "Vtseyoum" and published last Friday, Putin won 48% of voting intentions.

The last poll was conducted for the Institute in January 14 on a representative sample of 1,600 people, showed that Putin will advance to the Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov 11%, and ultranationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky 9% in the case of elections were held Sunday.

For his part, won the billionaire Mikhail Brocuruv 2% of the vote drop points compared with the previous poll.

According to another poll conducted by the Institute for Public Opinion on a representative sample of three thousand people between 14 and January 15, will not get Putin, only 45% of the vote, and will have to fight a second round for the first time since coming to power.

Putin was elected president of the first session in 2000, winning 52.94% of the vote and was re-elected in 2004 increased by 71.2%.

The system is experiencing Putin candidate for a third term in the Kremlin - after two terms in 2000 and 2008 - the movement of protest and a wide fired after the legislative elections held on 4 December / December and won by the ruling party "United Russia", where considered observers and the opposition that it was marred by fraud.

On 10 December / December opposition collected tens of thousands of people, in mobilizing unprecedented in Russia a decade ago, and then on December 24 / December rally between 70 and 100 thousand people in Moscow to demand the abolition of the results of legislative elections, Prussia "without Putin".

It is expected to organize a demonstration of the new major opposition in the February 4 in the Russian capital.

Source: French

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