
Piracy bill latest manifestation of the conflict between the Internet and media giants

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Mohamed TahaEditor for Science and Technology - BBC

Zbbb blocked the English version of Wikipedia, the largest encyclopedia edited users on the Internet, in the reactions and wide around the world, most of them reject the draft law on Internet piracy, which is currently being discussed before the U.S. Congress.The invisibility of the site and some news sites, including site (Redet) and code (Boeing Boeing) to protest the bill that required companies Internet, especially search engines provide information about those who use their positions to search for material copied and original, which could open the door to prosecutions is not the end of the with those who do so.The draft law defines as a shortcut (Soba), a project to stop Internet piracy, as discussed another bill in conjunction with known simply as (BIPA), which the law of intellectual property protection.The law may force the search engines and ad networks and Internet service providers in the United States to stop certain activities or locations not display links in the exercise of suspected foreign illegal activities.SupportersSupporters say that the project aims to reduce piracy on the Internet that the global economy suffered a lot of money each year. One of the biggest supporters of the bill Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation chairman.Murdoch said yet on Twitter that Silicon Valley companies (IT) in the United States represent a continuing threat to the software developers who are losing a lot because of their activities. And information technology experts estimated piracy losses around the world including more than $ 60 billion per year, mostly in the United States.Murdoch added that U.S. President Barack Obama is losing support in favor of traditional, headed by workers in the entertainment industry and 2.2 million people. The average salary of each of them 65 thousand dollars a year.Reflect this point of view the conflict between the entertainment industry, music, movies, software and Internet sites and search engines that may make it easier for some users from inadvertently get some of these materials for free.He joined the search engine giant Google to campaign against the draft law to put a link on his lead to calls for a referendum to stop the adoption of the law.And cause the project in the demonstrations in front of the White House demanding that put forward for discussion on the grounds that it represents a threat to Internet freedom and freedom of expression.Said one of the protesters outside the White House "is no longer in our world nothing can express freely through the Internet .. If only undermine the view that what is left of freedom of expression?".Middle EastIn the Middle East were filled with social networking than the disapproval of the bill. And said that Abdullah Ali, the Kuwaiti criminal investigator in computer crimes: "The law is called by the U.S. government and companies to punish whoever they want and impose strict controls on the Internet without right."He says the founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales, the law's supporters are trying to portray opponents as they support internet piracy. He pointed out that it is so loose that the draft law and formulated a bad influence, he said, for things not related to piracy.And refused to join the Twitter campaign to address the bill. Chief Executive Dick Costolo Twitter The site extends to withhold its business across the world (in reference to Twitter) as a reaction to the behavior of a single politician in the country (ie USA) is crap.The White House issued a statement seemed to sympathize with opponents of the bill and waving a presidential veto it. The statement said: "Although we believe that electronic piracy by foreign websites is a serious problem requiring a legislative response however, we will not support legislation that reduces the freedom of expression and increase the risk of e-security or undermine the creativity of the global Internet."

Source:BBC Arabic

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