
Opposition parties accused the support base of Yemen

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Public appearance of the components believed to be from al Qaeda in southern Yemen               ( Al-Jazeera  - Archive)

Stressed the leading role in the GPC yesterday that the Yemeni Grouping for Reform and the Muslim Brotherhood, are the sole beneficiary of the expansion of al-Qaeda in Yemen.
This charge in the series of exchange of accusations between the government and the opposition since the launch of the popular uprising against the regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh early last year, having seized some 500 members of the so-called organization of Islamic Jihad - a branch of Al-Qaeda - last Saturday on the town Radaa located provincewhite in the south of the country.
The deputy head of the information to the GPC ruling Abdul Hafeez Day, the Reform Party and the extremists of the Muslim Brotherhood, tribal, military and regulators, are the sole beneficiary of the expansion of the rule, noting that the goal of these is the "usurpation of power and seize them, even if the body parts of Yemen and at the expense of unity The security and integrity. "
He also accused the leader of the ruling party, the Reform Party and the Muslim Brotherhood to support the organization.
"It has become known as the size of the logistical support provided by the Reform Party, Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar and other al-Qaeda elements in Abyan and others. They are now desperate to defend their political and media can be any one to touch it in the media reform without trouble."
Expansion baseThe Day that the expansion base geographically comes a natural result of the conflict in Sanaa at the expense of the country's unity and national security, strategic, it is planned for - he said - "extremist forces in Sana'a under the robes of partisan and civilian, who participated base of ideological extremism and the same objectives in the establishment of Islamic emirate or caliphate on the way of the Middle Ages. "
The Islamic Jihad militants entered the town Radaa located about 170 km south east of Sanaa, with little resistance from a small unit of police were stationed there.
The gunmen demanded after seizing the town, the parents Bembaiathm to form an Islamic emirate.
The population of the town that the armed group was led by Tariq gold who was handed over to Yemen, Syria recently after he was arrested while attempting to infiltrate into Iraq.
Said Yahya Abu finger Assistant Secretary of the Yemeni Socialist Party and one of opponents of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, said that security forces had not made sufficient effort to prevent insurgents from entering Radaa, and warned that al Qaeda plans to attack the province of Marib oil-rich to a near Sanaa.
But a spokesman for the GPC slave soldier denied the allegation and accused opposition members of the participants in the agreement to hand over power in collusion with the insurgents.
Expansion and control of the town Radaa dominance rule out the southern province of Abyan, where the elements of the organization took on a number of towns since the outbreak of popular protests against the president in favor of early last year.

Source: Agencies

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