
One hundred thousand refugees to Yemen last year

Refugees share their miserable Yemeni (Al-Jazeera - Archive)

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees of the United Nations that, despite the deteriorating security situation in Yemen, has moved to in 2011, more than 103 thousands of immigrants and asylum-seekers from the Horn of Africa, across the Gulf of Aden in a perilous journey, an increase of 100% in 2010 .
He said UNHCR spokesman Adrian Edwards said that last year saw an increase of 100% for the year 2010 when an overwhelming 53 thousand people ride the same across the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea for refuge to Yemen, and added that the largest number had been registered in 2009 when he fled 78 thousand people from the Horn of of Africa to Yemen.
According to Edwards that they face challenges and many dangers during their journey from leaving home until their arrival in Yemen, including exposure to sexual violence and trafficking, as well as lack of access to basic services, such as shelter, water, food and health care upon their arrival in Yemen.
Commission data show high numbers of recent refugees from Ethiopia, where the three of every four immigrants, a major shift, where most of the refugees from Somalia.

And give Somalis coming to Yemen refugee status upon arrival, ensuring their access to documents and enables them to freedom of movement.

UNHCR expressed its grave concern about the incident that occurred early this week, killing three Ethiopians by the smugglers on the coast of Yemen, overlooking the Red Sea.

According to initial reports the three were killed after they were shot while trying to escape from the smugglers who tried to extort money.

The UNHCR noted the emergence of a new trend raises the concern, which is that refugees and migrants to physical violence at the hands of smugglers, whether at sea or on land.

She stressed that this is due to the instability and the low number of police in Yemen, which gives space for the movement of smugglers, as insecurity hampers access for aid organizations working in the new refugees, by the smugglers.

Source: UPI

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