
Of the next superpower?

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Asked American writer Gail Norton of the state that could become the superpower in the world after several decades, and said it appeared that U.S. President Barack Obamachose the road that lead to the erosion of the country's role in the world.

While he started - who previously served as Minister of the Interior under U.S. PresidentGeorge W. Bush - for his wishes that the United States remains the top center of the world's superpower, he noted that the U.S. role is diminishing, and that the survival of the country in first place at the global level is at risk.

And beaten by some of the examples that criticizing the Obama administration is claimingthat it is not going to the benefit and the future of the country, including the failure to adopt a strategic oil project management is the extension of a line linking Canada's oil in the United States.

Norton said he was waiting to convey the pipeline "Keystone XL" from Canadian oil sandsof Canada and other areas in the region to oil refineries on the American coast, andapproval procedures on the implementation of the pipeline started in 2008, but to no avail.

Studies enormousAs the author said that this huge project came in the wake of massive studies, he added that the Obama administration responded that the project needs further study.

He said that the Obama administration has postponed a decision on the pipeline was supposed to take last November, adding that the U.S. Congress to give a response until sixty days after Obama made a decision in principle about the extent to which the pipeline is part of the national interests of the country.
As the former U.S. Minister to Iranian threats to close the Strait of Hormuz, and thus prevent more than 20% of the oil supplies that pass through the strait in the Middle East to the world.
As the author said that the United States suffer from widespread unemployment, the economic crisis ravaging the country, he pointed to the expected effects of the volatility of oil prices which quickly become inflamed and leave its impact on productivity.

The draft proposed oil pipeline, funded by the private sector would create tens of thousands of jobs, and help stabilize the energy supply in the United States is unclear, he said, adding it appears that large-scale project in the national interest of America.

Writer, warned that China's door is open to Canadian oil, and that the Canadians are considering the establishment of alternative routes to take oil from the Western Rmalhm to their own coast, and then via tanker to China.
Norton said that the American rejection of the project is a matter of huge oil investors worried about the stability of the business climate in the country, and that, unlike the United States, China - subtlety and intelligence - confirm availability and stability of the sources of oil and other energy sources for the future.
He concluded by asking for a nation that is making the best preparations to be a superpower in the future, given the erosion of the U.S. role in the world.

Source: The Washington Times

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