
Nokia making a loss large

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Finnish company Nokia has suffered a great loss during the last year, totaling 1.2 billion euros (1.56 billion dollars) compared to a net profit of 1.8 billion euros (2.35 billion dollars) achieved by the company in 2010.

Sales of the company - which is the largest manufacturer of mobile phones in the world - in 2011 by 9% to 38.66 billion euros (50.65 billion dollars).

The results of the company during the last quarter of last year is the worst outcome, where it recorded a loss of which $ 1.07 billion euros (1.4 billion dollars), and came despite its sales exceeded expectations of smart phones.

Compared to 2010, the company has achieved net profits during the last quarter of 2010 amounted to 742 million euros (972 million).

And the reasons for the losses, the company showed that during the last quarter of last year have been written off 1.1 billion euros (1.44 billion dollars) from an e-commerce and its GPS and digital mapping services and social services centers.

Nokia also showed that sales during the last quarter of 2011 decreased by 21% over the same period of 2010 to ten billion euros (13.1 billion dollars), while sales increased by 11% for the third quarter of the year.

Nokia has sold during the last quarter of last year's 113.5 million of which 19.6 million phone smartphone.

While the company's sales fell from smart phones by 31% for the fourth quarter of the previous year sales increased by 17% for the third quarter of last year.

Nokia sales declined overall during the last quarter of last year by 8% from the same period last year.

During the last quarter of last year began selling Nokia mobile phones that are running, which is produced, where Microsoft has now sold more than a million phones operating in that system, according to CEO Stephen Ailub.

It should be noted that Nokia had announced last year to abandon the Symbian operating system, which was a development for the benefit of the operating system and Windows Phone developed by Microsoft in the context of attempts to restore its position in the smart phone sector.

Source: Agencies 

1 comment:

  1. سلام عليك أنا شهاب من المغرب بالنسبة لهواتف نوكيا بها بعض العيوب و هي كالتالي
    صوة الهواتف ليس بشكل المطلوب لدى جميع الناس لأنني أراه منخفض
    الكاميرا في غالب الأحيان عتى لو كانت 5 ميغا بكسل ضعيفة مقارنة مع كاميرا سامسونغ 3 ميغا بكسل
    البطارية جيدة لا بأس بها
    الألوان في شاشة هواتف نوكيا ليست بتقية عالية أقصد الهواتف الغير ذكية
    بعض أشكال هواتف نوكيا لا تعجبني أنا شخصيا عليكم أن تقومو ببعض التعديلات لها
