
Mexican advice to users of silicon

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Cosmetic doctors said that in Mexico, Mexican women who used breast tissue produced by the industrial French company, they see a doctor.
According to a survey of 1,200 member of the Mexican Association of Plastic Surgery, used about 4500 Mexican woman breast tissue produced by the industrial company Poly Ompelnt Protais French stalled currently out of work.
The Assembly President Alejandro Duarte said health officials in Mexico have not received any reports of serious problems on breast tissue industry, but it would be prudent for women who used these tissues to undergo testing.
Company and Poly Ompelnt Protais French was the third largest manufacturer of breast tissue in the industrial world is accused of using industrial silicon instead of silicone medical in some tissues, these tissues and sold in a number of countries in Europe and Latin America.
And advised the French government had put 30 thousand a woman's tissues poly Ompelnt Protais removed following the death of a French woman with cancer in 2010, and had used tissue.
And sold products Mozaaan poly Ompelnt Protais in Mexico in the period from 1994 to 2010, when the regulatory authorities stopped selling them.
The French Ministry of Health had recommended earlier in the conduct of surgery for 30 thousand women have undergone the process of silicon implants in their breasts Alrda remove that article as a precaution.

The ministry said in a statement that "the obvious risks relating to transplantation is the occurrence of ruptures in the gel, and the impact of a strong irritant to the tissues of the body, can lead to inflammation, making removal difficult."
He called French Health Minister Xavier Bertrand on Saturday to find the owner of the company accused of industrial production of silicon did not allow health authorities to use in cosmetic surgery of the breast.

Source: Agencies
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