
The class struggle has replaced racial America

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Field survey showed that the majority of Americans recognize the existence of a strong class struggle has replaced racial conflict as the leading manifestation of the tension between the Americans.
The survey was conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 66% of Americans believe that the conflict strong or very strong existing between the rich and the poor, up 19% from the year 2009.
It is believed 30% of Americans that conflicts of class is very strong in the United States, their proportion has doubled from what it was in 2009, the highest recorded since the beginning of the question asked in field surveys in 1987.
The survey - which included 2048 adults - young people, women, Democrats and blacks a sense of tension over the class of older people, men, Republicans and white Americans or Hispanics.
However, the percentage of Republicans - who believe that there is a class struggle in America - increased from 38% in 2009 to 55% in 2011.
The survey was conducted between 6 and 19 December / December 2011 margin of error of 2.9%.
He said 64 percent of respondents - those making more than 20 thousand dollars - that there is a serious conflict between rich and poor in America, and the figure rose to 67% of respondents surveyed who are the center of their income for more than 75 thousand dollars.
And issued at the same time the results of a survey conducted by the University of Indiana showed that the number of Americans living below the poverty line rose by 26% from the year 2006, the year before the Great Depression and numbered 10 million in 2010.

Source: UPI

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