
Billions of habitable planets path of Way

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Through their monitoring of millions of stars at night over the six years researchers discovered that the majority of the hundred billion star in the Milky Way galaxy for planets like the Earth or Mercury or Venus or Mars, and other similar planets in our solar system.
The scientists estimated that our galaxy some 10 billion by the star and planet in the "habitable zone" - the distance from the star where it can be hard to find planets - many of which could theoretically support life.
Dr Martin Dominik, a German researcher at the University of St. Andrews Scots, "even if there life on only one planet in each galaxy would still have 100 billion in the universe. We still do not have the evidence of life on another planet, and we Mtferdin in , but in the face of these numbers it seems very unlikely. There are a small number of planets that we believe in the possibility of harboring life and there is a small number of candidate planets that we believe that the circumstances may be appropriate. "
It is worth mentioning that he had already discovered more than a thousand planets in our galaxy, but two different methods used in the discovery, which are best suited to these large planets close to their stars and hot, unlike anything in our solar system.
And a third using a technique known as gravitational lens effect enables an international team of astronomers to confirm the existence of planets similar to the distance of stars such as land without seeing it directly.
He said another researcher from the University of Copenhagen that the results of their study show that the planets revolve around stars are the rule rather than the exception. In a typical solar system there are about four planets have orbits in the ground, the distance from the star where planets can be found solid.
It is noteworthy that the researchers conducted high-resolution 500 views of the stars between 2002 and 2007. In ten cases were able to directly detect signs of a planet and the rest used a statistical analysis to estimate the number of planets that were in the orbit of the stars.
Thanks to this technique could detect planets with masses ranging from five times the size of the land to ten times the size of Jupiter.

Source: The Daily Telegraph

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