
8 Miles of Smiles reach Gaza

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Convoy prior to the campaign of "Miles of Smiles" reach the Gaza Strip (Al-Jazeera - Archive)
The convoy reached the "Miles of Smiles 8" on Saturday evening to the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing in solidarity with the participation of 48 different nationalities from Arab and foreign countries.
The General Coordinator of the convoy Essam Youssef said that the convoy was carrying two tons of medical supplies and 120 electric bicycle for people with physical disabilities, and expressed his appreciation to the Egyptian authorities that allowed passing through.
He added that the convoy is an extension of relief convoys past, pointing out that seven convoys carrying medicines, infant formula, medical devices and other humanitarian assistance, as well as equipment and vehicles for people with special needs, have already entered the sector in an effort to break the siege and solidarity with Gaza.
He pledged Essam Youssef constantly organizing convoys in order to remind the world of the Palestinian cause and the siege imposed on Gaza, which he said led to the deterioration of the humanitarian situation and living conditions and health in the absence of the human conscience.
The campaign of "Miles of Smiles", which aimed to break the siege on the people of Gaza organized by the Association of Partners for Peace and the European campaign to break the siege on the Palestinian sector.
The campaign was organized several convoys since 2009, including "Miles of Smiles 1", which was launched in November 2010, and included several aid was introduced into the sector through the port of Rafah.
Israel imposed a naval blockade on the Gaza Strip since the capture of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in June 2006 and tightened in 2007 after control of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on the sector.

And increased pressure on Tel Aviv to lift the siege on Gaza since the attack on the Turkish ship Marmara, which was part of a flotilla in late May / May, and decided many of the activists and jurists from various countries around the world to go to the Gaza Strip, despite Israel's threats.

Source: Agencies + island

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